Acerca de nosotros
Acerca de nosotros

Global Green Supply Chain of Forest Product (abbreviated as GGSC), supported by International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), is a global service platform voluntarily established by enterprises, research institutes, industry associations, international organizations and other interested parties involved in forest products R&D, design, manufacturing, distributing, consuming and recycling, to implement "the Initiative to build a collaboration network of global green supply chain of forest products" jointly launched by industry sectors, associations, international organizations and research institutions all over the world who were participants of the International Forum on "Together Towards Global Green Supply Chains – A Forest Products Industry Initiative" held in Shanghai, China in October, 2019.


Connect foresters, live in natural and harmony.


Establish a stable and orderly green supply chain of global forest products, in order to promote green and sustainable development of global forest resources and products.


Openness, voluntariness, cooperation and win-win.


Through the establishment of green supply chain platform, achieve efficient and low-cost allocation of forest resources and form a system of sustainable forest products R&D, production, circulation, processing and consumption, and establish a long-term and stable green cooperation mechanism for global forest products.

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