Noticias GGSC
Vietnam's W&WP trade

Imports In 2020, W&WPs imported into Vietnam were valued at US$2.558 billion showing a minor year-on-year growth of 0.6%. 

W&WP imported into Vietnam, 2009-2020(US$ billion)

W&WP export by foreign enterprises 

In 2020, exports of W&WP by foreign enterprises were valued at US$6.15 billion, 30% higher than in 2019 and accounted for around half of all W&WP exports by the entire industry (in 2019, this indicator was 42%). Exports by foreign companies of WP reached US$5.661 billion, 318% up compared to 2019 and accounted for 93% of the total value of W&WP exported by foreign enterprises. Export markets The US continued as the top market, followed by Japan consuming 11% of total W&WP exports. W&WP exports to Canada and Australia also experience high growth rate with the year-on-year growth of 14% each compared to 2019. China and South Korea remain important buyers of Vietnam’s W&WP but growth of exports was not significant. In contrast, exports to the UK and France declined by 27% and 19% respectively.

W&WP imports by foreign enterprises In 2020 the value of W&WP imported by foreign enterprises reached US$1.045 billion, 35% up compared to 2019 and accounted for 41% of the total W&WP imports. Main suppliers In 2020, China continued as the largest W&WP supplier for Vietnam accounting for US$862 million and a share of 34% of total imports. Imports of W&WP from Thailand and Russia increased by 15% and 88% respectively compared to 2019. Conversely, imports of W&WP from the US, Chile, Brazil, and France declined compared to 2019。

W&WP exports by key products, 2020 

The top W&WP exported in 2020 included wood chips, wood-based panels, wood pellets, chairs and wooden furniture. Of these, peeled veneer grew at the highest rate, increasing by 94% in volume and 51% in value, followed by chairs with a growth of 32% in export value and wooden furniture of 22% compared to 2019. 

 Wood pellet: Export volume 3.2 million tons, valued at: US$352.03 million, 15% up in quantity and 13% up in value against 2019.

 Fibreboard: Export volume 111,200 cu.m, value US$45.78 million, 28% down in volume and 1 % in value against 2019 

 Peeled veneer: Export volume 694,230 cu.m, value US$81.69 million, 94% up in volume and 51% up in value against 2019

 Particleboard: Export volume 39,700 tons, value US$9.5 million, 16% down against 2019 

 Plywood: Export volume 2.09 million cu.m, value US$719.41 million, 0.2% down against 2019 

 Woodchips: Export volume 11.6 million tons, value US$1.48 billion, 3% down in volume and 12% down in value against 2019 

 Chairs: Export value US$2.67 billion, 32% up against 2019 

 Wooden furniture: Export value US$5.87 billion, 22% up against 2019 

W&WP importss by key products, 2020 

Key imported W&WP included logs, sawnwood, fibreboard, and plywood. In 2020 imports of logs and sawnwood declined while the imports of wood-based panels increased. 

 Logs: Import volume 2.02 million cu.m, value US$563 million .

 Fibreboard: Import volume 744,670 cu.m, 8% up in volume and 2 % up in value against 2019 .

Sawnwood: Import volume 2.54 million cu.m, value US$ 42.06 million, 9% down in volume and 1% down in value against 2019 .

 Particleboard: Import volume 434,720 cu.m, value US$84.69 million, 16% up in volume and 7% up in value against 2019 .

 Plywood: Imports 604,280 cu.m, 16% up in volume and 6% up in value against 2019 .

 Veneer: Imports 275,980 cu.m, value US$208.13 million, 27% up in volume and 9% up in value against 2019 

 Chairs: Import value (HS 9401) US$ 163 million, 28% up against 2019 .

 Wooden furniture: Import value (HS 9403) US$ 187.95 million, 51% up against 2019.

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